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Welcome to Blood Match Finder & Donor Bank

Donor Hero Search Blood Match

The need for blood

One in three of all the people you know – family, friends and neighbours – will need a blood donation. Yours could be the one that saves their life..

How to get ready

Ensure you you get screened properly and every other necessary procedure is observed before your donate.

An eligible Donor

Must be in good general health and feeling well, 18 years and older, weigh atleast 110 pound

Blood Donor Tips

Most people are reluctant to make their first blood donation, but once they do, they find the donation process to be easy and fulfiling.

How it works Here

To Get blood

  • Simply click on 'Search blood match'
  • Identify donor most closest to you
  • Contact them and get blood

To be a Hero (Donate blood)

  • click on 'Donor Hero' button above
  • Sign up with your details
  • Start saving lives!!

A healthy diet helps ensure a successful blood donation, and also makes you feel better! Check out the following recommended food to eat prior to your donation.


The most common blood type is 'O' followed by type 'A' Type O individuals are often called "universal donors"the blood can be transfused into persons with any blood type. Those with type AB blood are called "universal recipients" they can receive blood of any type.